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Financial Modelling and Forecasting

We assist our clients to embrace the power of data to transform business decision making. Our financial modelling and forecasting services include:

Cost Recovery and Activity Based Costing. We have helped numerous entities with implementing Activity Based Costing and/or cost recovery models and reporting.  

Data driven decision making. We assist our clients to embrace the power of data to transform business decision making. We help our clients leverage their datasets by first defining what questions they are trying to answer, what data sources are available and how that data can be leveraged. We can assist with data collection and cleansing, construction of data models and ongoing reporting.

Financial models. Our consultants are used to building complex financial models in a way that is user friendly and capable of preparing the analysis required. Our goal is to create models that can easily be maintained and used by our clients well after the engagement is over. 

Financial Forecasts. We prepare detailed financial forecasts to assist in assessing an entity's overall sustainability. Our models can support scenario analysis and are customised to the client's specific requirements. We also seek to present information in a way that can be easily understood by users with limited financial literacy.

New Policy Proposals. Our consultants are familiar with the preparation of Commonwealth New Policy Proposals and supporting costings. With each engagement we aim to support entities throughout the whole process. This includes preparation of the costings as well as providing additional information and support during the costings review process.

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